Over the past couple of weeks I've shared with you the difference between spiritual trauma, religious trauma, spiritual abuse, and religious abuse. Today I am sharing what I know about how an individual can begin to heal from these types of trauma and abuse. Here are some spiritual practices that have helped me:
Name the pain that you feel and what caused it. Know that God is with you in your pain, God has not abandoned you.
Separate the actions of the people from the love of God.
Breathe into your felt sense of Divine presence. Allow your mind to be quiet, and let yourself feel love.
Remind yourself that you are loved unconditionally.
Tell a loved one about your experience - someone who will listen and affirm you. You can journal if you don't want to talk.
Step into your own authority in your life. You are in charge, not the church. This may mean finding a different church or taking a break from church.
The long term process of healing from spiritual trauma can take years. It is crucial to find the support you need to heal. There are Spiritual Directors, Pastoral Counselors, and Pastors who specialize in recovery from spiritual trauma. Trauma that occurs between individuals can be healed in one-on-one modalities like these. Trauma experienced as an individual in a group needs to be healed within a group. Broadway Church is a community of people who are growing and healing together. If you are in need of support or want to know about the resources available, let me know by emailing amy@broadwaychurchkc.org.