by LeAundra Stewart-Boyice
It's been said that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. This could mean several different things. Typically it means the more you speak up or the more you speak out the more likely it is for someone to hear and to acknowledge your concerns. In most cases this is a good thing, but not in all cases.
It really depends on who is holding the oil can when you "squeak." A squeaky wheel can become saturated from the holy oil of joy, the oil of support, or the oil of empowerment. In other cases, the squeaky wheel can become saturated with the oil of doubt, the oil of envy, or the oil of heaviness.
So what does this mean? It means that the people you speak out to about your joys and or your sorrows can either add stress to or relief to your situation. Some people truly want to see you succeed. Then there are some who would find joy in your failure. The most important thing is to make sure that we add positivity into our own situations.
Have you ever "squeaked" to someone who added to the stress of your situation? Have you ever "squeaked" to someone who added support and empowerment to your situation?
Remember God is the ultimate oil can holder! Seek and acknowledge God in all of your ways, thoughts, and plans! God will position positive oil can holders to saturate you with the oil of love!