This is a weird moment for us. We have been navigating many big changes all at once. Government officials, healthcare professionals, journalists, and economists are all using the word "unprecedented" to describe our current situation.
That word may bring some comfort to you. For me, it brings to mind many examples of previous times in human history when we have faced catastrophic problems and worked together to build solutions. This is not the first time we have encountered crisis on a global scale (have you read the Bible?).
Even in the last century of American history, we have endured the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918, WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, The Cold War, 9/11, and the economic crash of 2008. Are there unprecedented aspects of our current situation? Yes. Is this current challenge insurmountable? No.
We are people of faith, which means we get to BE people of faith in the midst of fear, confusion, and crisis. We get to embody the better parts of our human nature - love, compassion, and critical thinking. We get to reach out to one another to be proof of God's love. Every phone call we make, every text message, gets to be the evidence of God's love in our world.
Are you wanting to do more right now to help others? We're partnering with MORE2 to call Kansas City residents to make sure they have the support they need and to educate them about our Medicaid Expansion initiative. Many of our neighbors are newly in-need of help and aren't aware of the resources available to them.
We've made it as easy as possible for you to reach them. The calls run right through your computer - you don't even need to dial! The call scripts help you know what to say. Calling hours are Tuesdays 9am-12pm and Thursdays 4pm-7pm.
In the midst of this difficult situation, your voice could be a source of comfort. Sign up here and Gary from MORE2 will contact you to get started.