
Dear Congregation,
Who could have imagined what this year would bring? We had big goals moving into 2020, and were making good progress toward achieving them. Then, in order to prioritize the safety of our community, we quickly and radically changed the way we stay connected to each other. We adapted and accomplished so much!
Moving into 2021, one thing is clear: our commitment to BOLD action. We've proven our ability to meet the moment this year, to rise to the challenges in front of us. Next year will be no exception.
2020 was supposed to be the year we began to fill our building with programs and people to help decrease our deficit spending. Our plan was interrupted when we closed our building to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We have done an excellent job staying afloat in the midst of such a challenging year. While we have kept participation up throughout this pandemic, we have not decreased our deficit spending.
Yes, you read that right! I'm challenging us to increase our fundraising by $40,000 in 2021 - 65% more than this we raised this year. We must take this bold and necessary step toward the sustainability of our congregation, to slow the depletion of our reserves.
Why does our financial sustainability matter? Because our city needs us - and we need each other! What other congregation in KC teaches about trauma? or Attachment Styles? Who else is integrating Attachment Theory and The Enneagram? Who else is willing to reckon with the Supremacy Culture inherent in Christianity today? We are unique in our contribution to the spiritual and social health of one another and our region.
How are we going to reach our goal? One step at a time, together! Our primary funding comes from your donations. A pledge is an estimate of your giving in a particular year. It is not a binding contract. It is an intention you set with God and the church to live a certain way and give a certain way from the blessings in your life. Circumstances change, pledges can be revised.
In addition to your pledges and one time donations, congregational leaders and staff are working hard to create a sustainable ecosystem of programming. Brainstorming is underway to generate other fundraising ideas. Our first step is to set the goal. Our second step is to collect your pledge information to accurately predict what other funds will need to be raised next year.
This is your opportunity to consider the funds, time, and talent you are committed to contributing to Broadway this year. I invite you to stretch and challenge yourself this year, if you haven't already. Can you increase your financial support of our beloved community? Is there time or a talent you have been reluctant to offer?
We can't know what 2021 will bring. We can make plans, set goals, and in the end one thing is for sure: with the support of Spirit and each other, we can meet whatever challenges come our way!
Amy Shoemaker
Rev. Amy Shoemaker, Senior Minister