
Julotta Celebration
December 25th, 2020
Thank you for joining our Julotta Celebration from home. On this page you will find the sacred songs and texts of this year's celebration.
To most fully participate, we recommend that you gather up candles to light and extinguish as instructed on this page. The music and lyrics on this page are for singing along. The text is meant to be read aloud. If you have multiple people in your home, you can alternate who reads which section. Bold words are meant to be read by all.
God Jul! Welcome!
Sankta Lucia
During this song, light all of your candles
O, Bethlehem du illa Stad
(O Little Town of Bethlehem)
Swedish Lyrics
O Betlehem du lilla stad, hur tyst du ligger där
försänkt i djup och drömlös sömn, när skapar undret sker
en stjärna tänds o mörkret har över den ej makt
o alla släktens hopp o tro, stämt möte denna natt
Så stilla o så oförmärkt, blir oss guds gåva räckt
o himlen kom till jorden ner, när ingen väntat det
vi kan ej höra stegen han nalkas oss ändå
o plötsligt som en okänd står han
mitt ibland oss här
Du barn av Betlehem vi ber, ge våra ögon ljus
o rena hjärtat att vi kan
med dig bli barn hos gud
nu sjunger änglaskaror guds lov
o vi med den
o kom till oss bli hos oss kvar guds son Emanuel
nu sjunger änglaskaror guds lovo
vi med den
o kom till oss bli hos oss kvar guds son Emanuel
Direct Translation
O Bethlehem, you small town, how quiet you are there
Immersed in sound on dreamless sleep, when creative wonders take place
A star lights up and darkness does not take over power
O all the family's hope and faith, scheduled meeting this night
So still and so unnoticed, God's gift is given to us
O heaven came to earth down, when no one expected them
We can not hear the steps he is approaching us anyway
Oh suddenly he stands like an unknown
In the middle of us here
You children of Bethlehem we pray, give our eyes light
O purify the heart that we can
With you become a child with God
Now angels are singing God's peace
Oh we with it
O come to us with us left son of God emanuel
Now angels are singing God's peace
Oh we with it
O come to us with us left son of God emanuel
English Lyrics
Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
For Christ is born of Mary, and gathered all above
While mortals sleep the angels keep their watch of wondering love.
Oh morning stars together, proclaim thy holy birth.
And praises sing to God the king, and peace to men on earth.
Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
Ett Barn Är Fött På Denna Dag
(A Child Is Born on this Day)
Swedish Lyrics
Ett barn är fött på denna dag,
så var Guds välbehag.
Det föddes av en jungfru skär,
Guds son det barnet är.
Här vilar du i ringhet klädd,
på fattigdomens bädd.
Välkommen var, o Herre kär!
Vår gäst du vorden är.
Om världen ännu större var,
av guld och pärlor klar,
så vore den dock alltför klen
till säng åt dig allen.
Dock vilar du i ringhet klädd...
English Translation
A child is born on this day;
that was God's pleasure.
It was born by a pure virgin:
the child is the son of God.
Here you rest, humbly dressed,
on this bed of poverty.
Be welcome, dear Lord!
You are now our guest.
Were the world larger yet,
made of gold and pearls,
even so, it would be too poor
(to serve) as a bed for you.
But here you rest, humbly dressed...
Translation by Eva Toller, 2004
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
One: Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy.
All: Which shall be to all people, Hallelujah!
One: For there is born to you a savior, Hallelujah!
All: He is Christ the Lord, Hallelujah!
One: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
All: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Var Hälsad Sköna Morgonstund
(All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn)
Swedish Lyrics
Var hälsad, sköna morgonstund
som av profeters helga mund
är oss bebådad vorden!
Du stora dag, du sälla dag,
på vilken himlens välbehag
ännu besöker jorden.
Unga sjunga med de gamla,
sig församla jordens böner
kring den störste av dess söner.
Guds väsens avbild, och likväl
en mänskoson, på det var själ
må glad till honom lända,
han kommer, följd av frid och hopp,
de villade att söka opp
och hjälpa de elända,
värma, närma till varandra
dem som vandra kärlekslösa
och ur usla brunnar ösa.
Han tårar fälla skall som vi,
förstå vår nöd och stå oss bi
med kraften av sin anda,
förkunna oss sin faders råd
och sötman av en evig nåd
i sorgekalken blanda,
strida, lida dödens smärta,
att vårt hjärta frid må vinna
och en öppnad himmel finna.
Han kommer, till vår frälsning sänd,
och nådens sol, av honom tänd,
skall sig ej mera dölja.
Han själv vår herde vara vill,
att vi må honom höra till
och honom efterfölja,
nöjda, höjda över tiden,
och i friden av hans rike
en gång varda honom like.
English Lyrics
All hail to thee, O blessèd morn!
To tidings long by prophets borne
Hast thou fulfillment given.
O sacred and immortal day,
When unto earth, in glorious ray,
Descends the grace of Heaven!
Singing, ringing, sounds are blending,
Praises sending unto Heaven
For the Savior to us given.
’Tis God’s own Image and withal,
The Son of Man, that mortals all
May find in Him a Brother.
He comes, with peace and love to bide
On earth, the erring race to guide
And help as could no other;
Rather gather closer, fonder,
Sheep that wander, feed and fold them,
Than let evil powers hold them.
He tears, like other men, will shed,
Our sorrows share, and be our aid,
Through His eternal power;
The Lord’s good will unto us show,
And mingle in our cup of woe
The drops of mercy’s shower;
Dying, buying through His passion
Our salvation and to mortals
Opening the heavenly portals.
He comes, for our redemption sent,
And by His glory Heaven is rent
To close upon us never;
Our blessèd Shepherd He would be,
Whom we may follow faithfully
And be with Him forever;
Higher, nigher glory winging,
Praises singing to the Father
And His Son, our Lord and Savior.
Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke
Luke 2:1-14 - Swedish
Och det hände sig vid den tiden att från kejsar Augustus utgick ett påbud att hela världen skulle skattskrivas.
Detta var den första skattskrivningen, och den hölls, när Kvirinius var landshövding över Syrien.
Då färdades alla var och en till sin stad, för att låta skattskriva sig.
Så gjorde ock Josef; och eftersom han var av Davids hus och släkt, for han från staden Nasaret i Galileen upp till Davids stad, som heter Betlehem, i Judeen,
för att låta skattskriva sig jämte Maria, sin trolovade, som var havande.
Medan de voro där, hände sig att tiden var inne, då hon skulle föda.
Och hon födde sin förstfödde son och lindade honom och lade honom i en krubba, ty det fanns icke rum för dem i härbärget.
I samma nejd voro då några herdar ute på marken och höllo vakt om natten över sin hjord.
Då stod en Herrens ängel framför dem, och Herrens härlighet kringstrålade dem; och de blevo mycket förskräckta.
Men ängeln sade till dem: »Varen icke förskräckta. Se, jag bådar eder en stor glädje, som skall vederfaras allt folket.
Ty i dag har en Frälsare blivit född åt eder i Davids stad, och han är Messias, Herren.
Och detta skall för eder vara tecknet: I skolen finna ett nyfött barn, som ligger lindat i en krubba.»
I detsamma sågs där jämte ängeln en stor hop av den himmelska härskaran, och de lovade Gud och sade:
»Ära vare Gud i höjden, och frid på jorden, bland människor till vilka han har behag!»
Luke 2:1-14 - English
Now it came to pass in those days, there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to enrol themselves, every one to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David; to enroll himself with Mary, who was betrothed to him, being great with child. And it came to pass, while they were there, the days were fulfilled that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son; and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were shepherds in the same country abiding in the field, and keeping watch by night over their flock. And an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is [c]Christ the Lord. And this is the sign unto you: Ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased.
I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
I am so glad each Christmas Eve,
The night of Jesus' birth!
Then like the sun the Star shone forth,
And angels sang on earth.
The little Child in Bethlehem,
He was a King indeed!
For He came down from heaven above
To help a world in need.
He dwells again in heaven's realm,
The Son of God today;
And still He loves His little ones
And hears them when they pray.
I am so glad on Christmas Eve!
His praises then I sing;
He opens then for every child
The palace of the King.
A Christmas Prayer
God in solidarity
God takes on flesh
and joins life in the struggle -
this is what radical solidarity feels like.
Lives and souls and bodies entangled.
Risks and possibilities shared.
We’re in this together.
The mess, the beauty, the work.
Don’t be afraid to feel hopeful.
God’s promises are kept.
God won’t opt-out or turn away.
God won’t give up when things get tough.
God won’t defend power, or privilege, or institutions, or tradition
at the expense of freedom, or love, or liberation, or your worth.
God’s with-ness is birthed at the margins.
God knows what’s at stake.
Let all who are weary, rejoice!
All of evil’s deceptions will be revealed
and fear of unjust powers will cease.
The Liberating One now dwells among us,
calling upon hearts from all walks of life
to open. to take courage. to soften. to release.
Behold, the Sacred enfleshed reveals the way of Love. Amen.
När Juldagsmorgon Glimmar
(When Christmas Morn is Breaking)
Swedish Lyrics
När juldagsmorgon glimmar
Jag vill till stallet gå
Där gud i nattens timmar
Ren vilar uppå strå
Där gud i nattens timmar
Ren vilar uppå strå
Hur god du var som ville
Till jorden komma ner
Nu ej i synd jag spiller
Min barndoms dagar mer
Nu ej i synd jag spiller
Min barndoms dagar mer
Dig Jesu vi behöva
Du käre barnavän
Jag vill ej mer bedröva
Med synder dig igen
Dig Jesus vi behöva
Du käre barna vän
English Lyrics
When Christmas morn is dawning
In faith I would repair
Unto the lowly manger;
My Savior lieth there,
Unto the lowly manger;
My Savior lieth there.
How kind, O loving Savior,
To come from Heav’n above;
From sin and evil save us,
And keep us in Thy love,
From sin and evil save us,
And keep us in Thy love.
We need Thee, blessèd Jesus,
Our dearest friend Thou art;
Forbid that we by sinning
Should grieve Thy loving heart
Forbid that we by sinning
Should grieve Thy loving heart
Extinguishing the Candles
As the candles go out, take with you the certain knowledge
That God is always coming into the world.
We will seek God, not in a long ago stable or ancient manger,
But in the people we meet and the depths of our own hearts.
May the blessing of Christmas make you a blessing to others;
May the peace of the season pervade all that you do.
We will welcome the challenge of discipleship.
We will offer ourselves as God’s ministers.
We will go forth in hope, peace, joy, and love.
Joy to the World
While the light of the candles has gone, the light of Christ shines on in our hearts forever. Go in Peace and Celebration!
God Jul!
Thank you for celebrating with Broadway Church!
Please consider donating to support our ministry this holiday season.
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1017 w. 29th Street
Kansas City, MO 64108