We are a community of loving, accepting, open-minded individuals who see each person as a divine being on their own unique human journey. Many of us have been rejected, excluded, or frustrated by other faith-based groups. We are an inclusive, theologically progressive, healing community focused on the spiritual transformation that comes from following Jesus Christ.
WORSHIP at 11:30 am in person or
at 11:45 am via Facebook Live.
We have moved! We worship in the Fireside Room at Overland Park Christian Church.
7500 w 75th Street
Overland Park, KS

When we say "All are welcome," we mean it. Straight, gay, richer, poorer, white, black, cisgender, transgender, etc. We ask only that you offer the same acceptance to others in this space.
We believe it's possible to be dedicated people of faith who aren't stuffy or all that serious. Wear the clothes you're comfortable wearing. Jeans, leggings, or a three piece suit - why not a ballgown?
Children are welcome! We believe children aren't the future of the church; they're the church RIGHT NOW. We also know they wiggle and laugh and drop things. We understand and provide Activity Packs to keep small hands occupied.
We don't endorse candidates, but we are active in social justice and hold our representatives accountable to racial and social equity. We are going to talk about real life and current events. That's where the rubber meets the road in our faith.
We celebrate the sacrament of communion (i.e., the eucharist, the Lord's Supper, that thing with the bread and the cup) every third Sunday, and you are invited to share, if you want--whether you've been baptized or not. That table belongs to Jesus, not us, and he's the one who invites you to "taste and see the goodness of God." Also, we always use juice, out of respect for those living with addictions. Our communion is always gluten-free.
Our worship is liturgical, meaning we celebrate the seasons of the traditional church year from Advent to Lent to Easter to Pentecost.
Expect change. Embrace surprises. You just never know what you may find on Sunday.
We do a lot of singing. Our focus is helping everyone in the congregation find their own voice.
People will say hello. Just go with it. You may even make a friend!
First of all: No, the building won't catch fire if you walk through the door. Spirit already loves every aspect of who you are. You are welcome and wanted here. Many of us have complicated relationships with church, but we strive to make our space a validating and affirming one. A little bit about us:
We worship at 11:30 am every Sunday.
Fourth Sundays following worship, we have a potluck and meet to make collective decisions about the business of the church.
What Kind of Church is Broadway?
We are an inclusive, theologically progressive, healing community focused on the spiritual transformation that comes from following Jesus Christ.
The following are some of the beliefs common among us:
We see each person, like Jesus did, as a divine being on a human journey.
We believe that God communicates directly with every person.
We experience God as love and embrace the Spirit breaking through the barriers that keep people from unconditional love.
We cherish the healing, transforming power of the Spirit of God within each person.
We accept God’s promise that every person without exception will awaken to the light of divine love.
We are convinced that hell is solely a human construct and not a punishment inflicted on anyone by our Creator.
We follow Jesus’s example as he embraced, ignored, and rejected parts of the Scripture of his day.
We agree that the names we use for God are as various as human experience, including and transcending all metaphors.
We respect other traditions and spiritual paths.
We acknowledge that human spiritual understanding has evolved and will continue to evolve over time.
We reject all punishing, vengeful, and violent images of God.
We have found that the self best evolves with the support of others.
We learn, grow, and risk as a community committed to spiritual transformation.
We recognize our own vulnerabilities and privileges in society, as we work toward equity for the poor, the outlawed, and the marginalized.
We are called to be stewards of the universe, its planets, and its creatures.

Rev. Amy Shoemaker is a dancer, Spiritual Director, and Minister whose focus is the intersection between art, embodiment, and social change. She is a certified InterPlay teacher and has led numerous retreats, leadership trainings, and performance groups for the purpose of reconnecting people with their internal authority and body wisdom. Her teachings at Broadway focus on self acceptance, deep empathy, and radical solidarity.
Amy was educated at Drake University and Pacific School of Religion. She is passionate about Community Organizing, with leadership roles in Proclaiming Pride and Justice for Wyandotte. Amy operates in solidarity with KC Tenants. She and her wife live in Waldo with their two cats and are expecting their first child in May of 2022.

Charleston Andrews is the second of four children born to a Brethren minister. They found their deep love of Basketball in 7th grade and lead worship team in high school and briefly in college. Charleston has worked at a range jobs from flooring companies to security to senior care and is excited to be Broadway’s Ministry Coordinator!
Growing up in such a conservative space highlighted their genderqueerness at a young age, but also stopped them from exploring outside of the identity created for them. Charlie’s years spent fighting through the conditioning to become self-aware and self-loving have sparked a deep desire to create a spirit of openness and acceptance around them. When not at work, Charleston can be found at the skate park or the basketball court.

Becki Bayless was raised in an evangelical fundamentalist church, and it was there that she began leading worship through music when she was just eight years old. After several decades immersed in Churchianity, Becki began to experience a faith deconstruction. While searching for a church that affirmed the LGBTQ community and welcomed questions, she found and joined the Broadway congregation and staff in November 2018.
Becki has earned a Bachelor of Music Education (Lee University) and a Master of Music (Butler University) and has been a music teacher for over 25 years. Her greatest joys are her adult children, Adam and Nathan. Her greatest nemesis is her cat, Alvin.
Founded in 1872 as First Swedish Baptist Church by Swedish Immigrants, we have a long history of "welcoming the stranger". Since our beginning as an outreach to Swedes, to our fight against corruption during the Pendergast era, to our fight for women's rights and LGBTQ+ equality, Broadway Church continues to live up to our founding intention of welcoming those who haven't felt at home in other churches.