Kamagra 100 is a drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It is a pill that contains the chemical sildenafil, which works by relaxing blood vessels in the penis. This helps to increase blood flow to the penis, which then results in a longer lasting erection.
Although this drug is used to treat erectile dysfunction, it is not recommended for everyone. For example, it should not be taken by people with liver problems or low blood pressure. In addition, it should not be taken with other erectile dysfunction treatments. If a person is having trouble getting an erection, they should talk to their doctor.
The drug should also be taken in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer. For example, if you are taking the medication for the first time, it is recommended to start with a single dose of 50mg. Depending on the amount of sexual stimulation, it may take up to 45 minutes for the medicine to begin working. After that, you should continue to take it in accordance with the dosage suggested by your doctor.
Since kamagra 100mg tablets is an unregulated drug, it is not guaranteed to be safe to use. This is why it should not be purchased on websites that are not legally registered. There is a risk of buying counterfeit versions of the product, which could have dangerous side effects.