If you visit the AOL.com customer service, you'll find answers to most of your questions about our email, cloud storage, mail apps, and other features. And new FAQs provide answers to customers' most pressing questions with a single click. If you've visited the AOL.com customer service recently, you may have noticed its new design and FAQ section. Whether it's help setting up your email or the AOL.com password recovery process, the new Help Center home page makes it easy to find the information you need. If you have a question or are experiencing a problem with a free AOL.com email account, please use this contact form to get in touch with our support team. In the contact form, select the topic that best describes the reason you are contacting our support staff. You will immediately receive an automated response with a list of troubleshooting tips that have been helpful to our customers in the past. If this list does not contain the answer to your question, please reply to that email with a description of the issue you need help with. One of our support agents will contact you as soon as possible. We also offer phone support to mail.com Premium customers. If you are a mail.com Premium customer, please visit our Premium Support page for the contact number.
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